Ricetta di Daniele Russo Finalista del concorso Damned in Black

Il 31 Maggio 2020 si è concluso il concorso Damned in Black Proponiamo la ricetta di Daniele Russo, finalista del concorso Damned in Black Complimenti a Daniele, e lo ringraziamo per aver redatto la ricetta con Calcoliamo Birra, ed aver accettato di condividere la Ricetta.       Imperial Stout (formato zip) Per aprirle su […]

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Le 4 Ricette di Deola al Campionato Italiano MOBI 2019

Il giorno 1 Dicembre 2019 si è concluso il Campionato Italiano Mobi. //www.movimentobirra.it/ Questi i nomi dei primi 3 classificati Barozzi, Caccamo, Deola. In particolare Jacopo Deola,  ha redatto con il software Calcoliamo Birra le ricette che lo hanno portato fino alla finale. Jacopo Deola ci ha gentilmente inviati i file per essere pubblicati e […]

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Ricetta Sweet stout

A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso. Very dark brown to black in color. Can be opaque (if not, it should be clear). Creamy tan to brown head. Mild roasted grain aroma, sometimes with coffee and/or chocolate notes. An impression of cream-like sweetness often exists. Fruitiness can […]

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Doppelbock recipe beer

A strong, rich, and very malty German lager that can have both pale and dark variants. The darker versions have more richly-developed, deeper malt flavors, while the paler versions have slightly more hops and dryness. Very strong maltiness. Darker versions will have significant Maillard products and often some toasty aromas. A light caramel aroma is […]

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American Wheat Beer Recipe

Refreshing wheat beers that can display more hop character and less yeast character than their German cousins. A clean fermentation character allows bready, doughy, or grainy wheat flavors to be complemented by hop flavor and bitterness rather than yeast qualities.

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American Light Lager Recipe

Very refreshing and thirst quenching.”, Low to no malt aroma, although it can be perceived as grainy, sweet, or corn-like if present. Hop aroma is light to none, with a spicy or floral hop character if present. WhiVle a clean fermentation character is desirable, a light amount of yeast character (particularly a light apple fruitiness) […]

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Kölsch Beer Recipe

A clean, crisp, delicately-balanced beer usually with a very subtle fruit and hop character. Subdued maltiness throughout leads into a pleasantly well-attenuated and refreshing finish. Freshness makes a huge difference with this beer, as the delicate character can fade quickly with age. Brilliant clarity is characteristic. Low to very low malt aroma, with a grainy-sweet […]

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Belgian Pale Ale v2

 A moderately malty, somewhat fruity, easy-drinking, copper-colored Belgian ale that is somewhat less aggressive in flavor profile than many other Belgian beers. The malt character tends to be a bit biscuity with light toasty, honey-like, or caramelly components; the fruit character is noticeable and complementary to the malt.

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